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Item Information

snippet: This bridge inventory data represents CTDOT’s State and town owned bridges that are part of the National Bridge Inventory (NBI) and non-NBI. The data updates from the Bridge Management System (Bentley's AssetWise Asset Reliability Inspections (AWARI), also known as "SMS","InspectTech”, or "AssetWise") nightly. The Geometry of the bridges represent the approximate outline of the bridge deck and doesn't represent the actual area, the calculated deck area is as shown in "FHWA Deck Area in SQFT" field in the data. Please read the use limitation information before using this data. For more information regarding this data, the data steward can be reached using the information under the contacts Section. The related tables that are part of the service identify the current programmed and completed work against the All Bridges asset class. This information is currently developed as part of tracking FHWA Work Types and CTDOT Work codes programmed during project development within ATLAS and the CPD (Composite Project Database).
summary: This bridge inventory data represents CTDOT’s State and town owned bridges that are part of the National Bridge Inventory (NBI) and non-NBI. The data updates from the Bridge Management System (Bentley's AssetWise Asset Reliability Inspections (AWARI), also known as "SMS","InspectTech”, or "AssetWise") nightly. The Geometry of the bridges represent the approximate outline of the bridge deck and doesn't represent the actual area, the calculated deck area is as shown in "FHWA Deck Area in SQFT" field in the data. Please read the use limitation information before using this data. For more information regarding this data, the data steward can be reached using the information under the contacts Section. The related tables that are part of the service identify the current programmed and completed work against the All Bridges asset class. This information is currently developed as part of tracking FHWA Work Types and CTDOT Work codes programmed during project development within ATLAS and the CPD (Composite Project Database).
extent: [[-73.7322423754641,40.9921476835126],[-71.7903685821551,42.0521604224356]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
title: Bridges
type: Map Service
tags: ["Bridges","Structures","Trusses","Frames","Culverts","Arches","Movable","NBI","Condition Rating","Appraisal Rating","highway assets"]
culture: en-US
name: Bridges
guid: ECBA77E2-3B23-4B4B-A21C-A446EF63424B
minScale: 0
spatialReference: NAD_1983_2011_StatePlane_Connecticut_FIPS_0600_Ft_US