Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>The National Bridge Inventory (NBI) data applies to bridges with a span length of greater than 20 feet. This data is obtained and updated through the Department's Bridge Safety and Evaluation Unit, in accordance with the National Bridge Inspection Standards (23 CFR 650.3) and the CTDOT Bridge Inspection Manual. Its primary purpose is to provide bridge condition and other pertinent data for the annual Bridge Inventory submission to the FHWA. Town and State owned structures greater than 6 feet and less than 20 feet, along a state roadway, are also stored as part of the dataset but are excluded from the NBI data submittal to FHWA. Town owned bridges, along a town (local) roadway, less than 20 feet in length have a 6-digit bridge number and all State owned bridges have a 5 digit number. 6-digit bridges receive inspections on an as-needed basis. The NBI and Element data along with the inspection report are collected with the Bentley AWARI application and made available to Bridge and Highway design personnel as needed. The polygons shown are a Geo-spatial reference to the NBI data collected for each structure.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
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